lunes, 30 de julio de 2012

Camp: Week 4

We had such a great week here at camp! The kids are really beginning to grow in their knowledge of English.  It's nice to hear the kids say "good morning" without hesitation.  They are beginning to ask for things in English without having to be reminded.  It's great to see progress!

This week we were joined by two new counselors: Sara and Patricia.  We've been so lucky to have counselors that are so dedicated as well as creative with their classes.  Sara was a counselor last year and jumped right in helping Kate with games, while Patricia worked with Em in art class.

The kids really enjoyed art class this week!  They were able to make butterflies, scenes that depicted different weather and even puppets to practice their words in English. Counselors Em and Patricia made it fun for the campers giving them plenty of art supplies to inspire their learning. 

The kids spent the week practicing a song about the weather.  It was perfect because we got a lot of rain last week and the kids enjoyed yelling, "it's raining!"  in English. The campers were given a quiz at the end of the week and everyone did really well!  It seems they learned a lot through songs. 

In games, the kids were able to put their weather knowledge to good use by playing competitive games with counselors Kate and Sara.  The counselors made practicing fun and easy as the kids were able to use English to walk through an obstacle course as well as play charades to act out their new English vocabulary.

We had such a great week at camp- can't believe we're more than halfway through!

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